
来源:互联网新闻 时间:2020-05-02 12:30

This is what the Universe would look like if it were a tiny model

新华网12月6日电 据科技博客Gizmodo文章,我们所知道的宇宙空间达920光年,其巨大程度令人无法想象。但,宇宙的缩略图是什么样的?文章作者通过Imgur网站找到了一系列图片并进行处理,得到了这些美轮美奂的宇宙图片。

This is what the Universe would look like if it were a tiny model

The observable Universe is a 92-billion-light-year sphere—a place so big that it\'s impossible to imagine its dimensions. But what if the Universe were as small as a scale model train? Then the Horsehead Nebula would look something like the above.

I came across this Imgur post and I thought it would be fun to try to make new and better ones. So I searched for suitable images that would look good after processing.


This is what the Universe would look like if it were a tiny model

This is what the Universe would look like if it were a tiny model

This is what the Universe would look like if it were a tiny model

This is what the Universe would look like if it were a tiny model

This is what the Universe would look like if it were a tiny model

This is what the Universe would look like if it were a tiny model

This is what the Universe would look like if it were a tiny model

This is what the Universe would look like if it were a tiny model

美国厨师制成世界最大姜饼村 面积近2日本千叶附近海域发生5级地震 东京震土耳其与希腊表示将共同推动解决塞浦路拉法兰说法中伙伴关系稳固可信昆明大学生报警反遭协警殴打 打人者已国信办:网络媒体要更好地肩负起社会责金正恩视察人民军设计研究所 崔龙海等以色列遭遇60年未遇大暴雪袭击(组图金正恩处决张成泽后现身 参观人民军设国际观察:墨西哥能源改革“箭在弦上”日防卫省御用军火商造假 自卫队军火购难民署称超600人在中非共和国武装冲普京称每家3个孩子应成俄罗斯居民标准韩国男娶癌症末期中国女友 婚礼只能办美国厨师制成世界最大姜饼村 面积近2土耳其与希腊表示将共同推动解决塞浦路杭州桥墩棺材之谜解开 30多口空棺暂女子不想加班扇领导巴掌 被开除后想不发病率10年增52% 浙启动城市癌症中国追求与美国建立合作共赢关系 中美丈夫为讨癌症妻子开心 穿芭蕾裙周游世韩国女性要求修法 禁止5岁以上男童进爱尔兰宣布率先走出欧债危机纾困机制逼警方撤离 泰国示威者切断总理府水电美韩相继同意民航向华通报飞行计划 日英矿场用碎石堆艺术品 获年度最佳景观丈夫为讨癌症妻子开心 穿芭蕾裙周游世日本-东盟共同声明据称删除“中国威胁世界政策大会聚焦中等强国的地位伤者遭救护车倒卖后身亡 官方称倒卖病世界主要城市12月12日天气预报杭州市政府发布保障性安居工程建设和管联合国贸发会议: \"云经济\"为发纽约州一超市遭诈弹威胁辽宁舰或在南海遭遇美航母 中国海军任印度火星探测器传回照片伊核谈判为何难以柳暗花明最高法就光大内幕交易引发民事赔偿案指泰上议院首读否决特赦条例 街头抗议活李敏镐背后拥抱朴信惠 粉丝心跳不已日本一17岁少年将伙伴推下河 称没有菲人质事件赔偿谈判开启 马尼拉代表语托雷斯被\"激活\"进绝杀球 穆里尼韩国抗议日本“竹岛宣传片”老婆离家出走 老公网上买定位服务被骗美国航空申请开通上海至达拉斯航线日本将允许自卫队海外使用火箭炮仿真枪做工太差没吓住人 劫匪被女车主美丽的弧线:中国—东盟命运共同体布达佩斯慈善“彩色跑步”(组图)